As the name implies hybrid apps are a combination of native and web technologies. Choosing what type of app to develop comes down to your business needs and the specifications of your target market.
With a single source code, cross-compatible web technology and lower initial budget costs hybrid apps are a great option for many businesses. However, a native app will offer a better performance and user experience.
1. Better User Experience
Designed to be used within the app store, native apps are more likely to meet the technical and user experience guidelines established by each OS. As such, they have better performance and offer a look that “feels right” to users.
Another benefit of native apps is their ability to access device features without the need for complicated plugins. This makes them the best choice for graphic-heavy applications, high definition games, and intense animations.
Hybrid apps, on the other hand, can only rely on web technologies to access device features and this may slow down the app’s speed.
Native apps are built using specific programming languages for each platform. This means that to create an iOS and Android app, developers must write different code for each OS. As a result, native apps take longer to develop and cost more than hybrid apps. However, this is a worthwhile investment to ensure that your mobile app will deliver a high quality user experience. Moreover, it will also be able to use the latest hardware on a user’s device.
2. Better Performance
Since a native app is designed for one platform it offers better performance than hybrid apps. As a result, they can run faster and offer a smoother user experience.
Native apps can also access the full capabilities of a device’s hardware like camera, GPS and address book. On the other hand, hybrid apps rely on web technologies to function. As such, they have to wait until a plugin becomes available before an app can use certain features.
Hybrid apps have their own benefits such as speed to market, cost-effectiveness and a single code base. But they come with a tradeoff in terms of performance and functionality. They can work offline but they won’t be able to fully utilize a device’s capabilities. For example, a native app that uses the GPS feature will be able to locate the user and display this location on a map while hybrid apps can only show users their current position and nothing more.
3. Better Security
The code of a native app is written in programming languages officially supported by each operating system, such as Java and Kotlin for Android and Objective-C and Swift for iOS. Web technologies, on the other hand, rely on JavaScript and HTML5. This may lead to a less secure code base with less protection against hackers.
Native apps are able to access the full range of features offered by a platform, providing a superior user experience and enhanced performance. In addition, they can work offline.
Hybrid apps are not able to offer the same functionality, especially in regards to leveraging device features. This could be a problem if your application requires access to the GPS, camera, or other capabilities of the device.
Choosing a hybrid mobile application strategy can be a good option if your business needs a quick solution that works across platforms. However, this approach may be limiting your long-term options and impacting your users’ experience. It may also be difficult to implement bug fixes and updates that require access to device data or other platform APIs.
4. Better Availability
Native apps can take advantage of hardware capabilities such as the accelerometer and camera. They can also work offline, which is a must for some business apps, especially those used on planes or trains where internet connections aren’t reliable.
In contrast, hybrid apps use WebView to display HTML/CSS/JavaScript content. As a result, they don’t offer full access to the capacities of the operating system. This may limit the app’s functionality or make it impossible to implement certain functions (like 3D) in a hybrid mobile application.
Developing hybrid apps also takes longer, as developers must adapt their codebase to the requirements of each platform. In addition, they’re more likely to be rejected by App Stores, which are cracking down on apps that rely too much on WebView. However, hybrid apps can benefit from a shorter development time and lower budget costs than native apps. Moreover, their single codebase and cross-compatible web technologies make them easier to update than native apps. Nevertheless, updates require users to download new files and can lead to some UI glitches or performance issues.
5. Better App Store Visibility
As mentioned above, native apps offer better performance and can access device features such as the camera, microphone, calendar, GPS, figure print sensors etc. They also offer reliable data protection for your users. Native apps are also more easily found in the app store and can be downloaded faster because they are optimized for the platform.
Hybrid apps, on the other hand, require a constant internet connection and have limited offline functionality. They are websites in their core and run in a webview. The good thing about hybrid apps is that they are easier to develop and cheaper to maintain.
However, user experience trumps everything else in mobile app development. Your users don’t care whether you choose a hybrid or native approach, they just want a great app that provides a seamless and intuitive experience. This is why it’s essential to brainstorm your business needs before choosing a hybrid or native mobile app development strategy. Also, make sure to consider the potential pitfalls of each approach so you can build an app that meets your needs.